Protect Your Business with Expert Penetration Testing
Identify and Address Vulnerabilities Before They Become Threats
Penetration testing, or ethical hacking, simulates cyber-attacks to uncover vulnerabilities in your systems. ICE Cybersecurity helps you safeguard your organization by proactively identifying and addressing these vulnerabilities.
Key Benefits
Meets SOC2, PCI, ISO27001, NIST, CIS, CMMC, FTC Safeguards Rule, and other regulations.
Business Assurance
Helps win and retain business with proof of recent pen tests.
Security Best Practices
Ensures the security of sensitive data and client trust.
Proactive Defense
Identifies unintentional vulnerabilities introduced by developers or IT teams.
Types of Pen Tests
Network Testing
- External: Assesses risks from internet-based attacks.
- Internal: Examines potential damage from internal breaches.
Application Testing
- Evaluates web, SaaS, mobile, and traditional apps for security flaws
Wireless Testing
- Identifies weaknesses in wireless and guest networks.
Social Testing
- Tests employee susceptibility to phishing, USB drops, and social engineering.
Custom Testing
- Tailored to address complex environments and advanced attack scenarios.

Pen Testing Process
Planning and Scope Definition
Re-testing to Verify Remediation
Analysis, Review, and Reporting
Information Gathering and Reconnaissance
Discovery and Scanning
Vulnerability Assessment
Planning and Scope Definition
Information Gathering and Reconnaissance
Discovery and Scanning
Vulnerability Assessment
Analysis, Review, and Reporting
Re-testing to Verify Remediation

Why Choose ICE Cybersecurity?
With years of experience and a dedicated team of professionals, ICE Cybersecurity ensures your business stays ahead of potential threats. Trust us to safeguard your digital assets and maintain your organization's integrity.
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